distTails - A Collection of Full Defined Distribution Tails
A full definition for Weibull tails and Full-Tails Gamma
and tools for fitting these distributions to empirical tails.
This package builds upon the papers by del Castillo, Joan &
Daoudi, Jalila & Serra, Isabel. (2012) <doi:
10.1017/asb.2017.9> and Vilardell, Sergi & Serra, Isabel &
Abella, Jaume & del Castillo, Joan & Cazorla, Francisco.
(2019). Software Timing Analysis for Complex Hardware with
Survivability and Risk Analysis. 227-236. <doi:
10.1109/ICCD46524.2019.00036>. This work has been supported by
the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement
No. 772773).